
Punched-Out Cookies

Ingredients: 375 gams butter 190 grams sugar 500 grams flour 6 eggs Flour to sprinkle 1 pack vanilla sugar Directions: Preheat oven to 360°F. Mix the butter in a bowl until it starts foaming. Add Read more…

Pressed Cookies

Ingredients: 375 grams butter 250 grams sugar 500 grams flour 1 egg 125 grams ground hazelnuts 1 pack of vanilla sugar Directions: Preheat your oven to 360°F. Mix the butter until it starts foaming. Slowly Read more…

Wolf Fang Cookies

Ingredients: 250 grams butter 500 grams sugar 500 grams flour 4 eggs 1 pack of vanilla sugar Directions: Preheat oven to 350°F. Soften the butter a little to make it easier to mix. Hint: Don´t Read more…